Legacy of Leaders with David Firester of TRAC Intelligence, LLC

On Legacy of Leaders, our host Whitney Mincey welcomes outstanding leaders to this uplifting and interesting show, filled with practical advice, personal experiences and tips for business leaders and aspiring leaders. This week, Whitney sits down with David Firester of TRAC Intelligence, LLC.

We conduct bespoke investigations in the Open Source. We also conduct policy review and offer a threat intelligence service.

What Is Your Why?

I am dedicated to helping businesses and individuals see the threat landscape for what it is.

How Did You Get Started In Your Field or Work?

In the U.S. Army, as an Intelligence Analyst.

What’s One Thing We Should Know That Makes Your Company Unique?

We are veteran owned and operated.

What Are Your Biggest Goals in the Next 6 to 12 Months for Your Business?

Our biggest short-term goals are to grow our customer base and reinvest capital in support of our own capabilities set.


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